8 mm bubble 30 Hz

An 8 mm diameter air bubble oscillating at 30 Hz produces a concentrated streaming jet with extraordinary characters.

8 mm bubble 20Hz streaming vortex.png

An 8 mm air bubble oscillating at 20 Hz produces a low speed vortex. 

Aug 16 2019 40Hz 500fps

The compliant surface induced synthetic jet exhibits Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the shear-zone

15Hz pathline near free surface

Flow pathlines in the wake behind a bluff-body triangle wedge exhibits strong divergent motions near the free surface (Fr=0.5)

interaction of multiple bubbles

Dynamic interactions of two air bubbles (D= 8 mm , f=50 Hz) separated by a 2 mm gap generates (a) high-speed merged synthetic jet with small static curvature (b) low-speed vortex with large static curvature, and (c) two almost parallel jets when actuated out-of-phase.

Turbulent free surface wake flow 25Hz fr=0.9

Flow pathlines in the turbulent free-surface wake in the shear-layer zone. The interactions of usteady free-surface with shedding vortices induce strong downward drafts toward the sub-surface regions. It is hypothesiszed that this phenomenon could have contributed to the cascade of entrained air-bubbles.

2023 March 29 Speed 25 60Hz bulge 3bubble fps600-2-2.gif

An array of 8 mm air bubbles (D=8 mm, f=60 Hz) oscillating in-phase in a fully devleoped turbulent boundary layer (Retheta=1000) dynamically modulate the vortical structures near the wall surface.

dec 9 5hz square wave vortex ring

Large-magnitude dynamic curvature change in the compliant surface (induced by pulsive loading) generates a traveling vortex ring. 

2 jet interaction

Coupled oscillation of two neighbouring air-water interface (D= 8 mm, f=50 Hz) induces a fountain type oscillation.